Lisp hacking on Vista

My main laptop is back to running Vista (again!) because of some issues I had with Ubuntu. This is no problems for most of the things that I want to do but Lisp hacking was a bit of an issue. I have been using clojure for a while and this has re-kindled my interest in Common Lisp. Time to get common lisp working on Vista.

I already had cygwin installed and so took that route. Cygwin has clisp available and so all I had to do was setup emacs and get slime. I downloaded the svn snapshot of slime and added the following to my .emacs.

;; slime
(add-to-list ‘load-path “/home/Barry/download/slime-2009-03-01/”)
(setq inferior-lisp-program “/bin/clisp”)
(require ‘slime)

One “M-x slime” later and I was lisping. Now to re-read PCL to remind myself why I like Common Lisp.

Some photographs on-line

I have been updating my website Barry’s Bailiwick and have added links to some of my photographs. These are split across two sites, my own photo album site and Flickr. There may be some duplicates and I must find the time to add some more photographs and decide on the purpose of the two sites. I think that having both will be useful but I need to come up with a rational reason for this rather than just a feeling!

First look at Ioke

I have started to look at Ola Bini’s new language Ioke.

This should fit well with my past/current interest in Steve Delorte’s Io and my renewed interest in the JVM caused mainly by Clojure.

Initially Ioke looks similar to Io but with some of the terminology changed.

  • Lobby -> Ground
  • clone -> mimic
  • slot -> cell

I am sure that there will be more differences as I look into it more.

I will post more thoughts on Ioke when I have used it a little.