My main laptop is back to running Vista (again!) because of some issues I had with Ubuntu. This is no problems for most of the things that I want to do but Lisp hacking was a bit of an issue. I have been using clojure for a while and this has re-kindled my interest in Common Lisp. Time to get common lisp working on Vista.
I already had cygwin installed and so took that route. Cygwin has clisp available and so all I had to do was setup emacs and get slime. I downloaded the svn snapshot of slime and added the following to my .emacs.
;; slime
(add-to-list ‘load-path “/home/Barry/download/slime-2009-03-01/”)
(setq inferior-lisp-program “/bin/clisp”)
(require ‘slime)
One “M-x slime” later and I was lisping. Now to re-read PCL to remind myself why I like Common Lisp.